Illustration, map-making, flag-making, exploring your city and understanding its hidden histories - there are many types of workshops I offer as an urban geographer.
Enjoy this selection of past workshops and get in touch to design a workshop for your needs!

Mapping YOUR Neighbourhood
I’ve had the opportunity to give a walking/drawing/mapping workshop to a number of communities spread throughout the GTA. Getting participants into the geographic mood, we go on a Jane’s Walk style exploration of the area. After the walk, I give a quick drawing lesson, and participants illustrate memorable sites from the neighbourhood. The end results are placed on a huge map, resulting in a collaborative expression of local geography!
Past workshops:
Girl Guides of Canada
May 2018
Art Starts
July - September 2017
Cartography 17 workshops, various communities around Toronto
The maps created in these workshops will be presented on a giant 20'x10’ map of Toronto, informed by First Nations’ ways of knowing, and presented at City Hall, the 519 Community Centre, the Toronto Reference Library and other venues across the city.
Lakeshore Arts
July 2017
ARTiculate summer programming
Max City Summer Camp
July 2016 - July 2017
A summer camp that engages youth with city building initiatives, this workshop combined illustration and photography in the creation of a map of Bloor Street.
City of Mississauga: the Story of M
May 2016
As part of the City of Mississauga’s Story of M initiative, Robert Ruggeiro and I lead a group of youth around Cooksville to discover the community’s history, the way people use the neighbourhood today, and potential areas of improvement.
Toronto Public Library: Young Voices Workshop
March 2016
Mapping/walking workshop with teens from Cedarbrae branch!
Koffler Gallery
May 2015
Neighbourhood Archives: a Postcard Project
Workshops with Grade 5 students from Toronto’s Annex and St. James Town neighbourhoods that encouraged seeing, drawing and writing about local spaces, objects and landmarks.

Using Maps to Get Lost - a Psychogeography Workshop
How do you use a map to get lost? If we explore places differently, we might see things we’ve never noticed before! After discussing Psychogeography and map-making, this workshop will invite participants to create maps documenting of anything that interests them (like “Smells”, “Animal Habitats”, “Place names”). At the end, we share our maps, providing participants with different ways to think about the places we inhabit together.
Past workshops:
Lore Residency - Zocalo Organic Farm
May 2018
Hillside Festival - Guelph Ontario
July 2016 - July 2017

Do it Yourself Flag Design
Love flags but not nationalism? This flag making workshop helped participants design and create their own flags representing meaningful parts of their life - their personality, their street, their neighbourhood or their city
Past workshops:
Art of the Danforth
May 2014
Zine Making
What are zines? They’re self-published books that can be made by anyone! Inspired by my mission to illustrate #allthelibrariesTO and #allthehistoricsitesTO, this workshop began with a neighbourhood walk to get participants looking for urban phenomena to document themselves, and compile in zine form!
Past workshops:
Youth Arts Movement at Lakeshore Arts
November 2017